Following is a review of Innovative Film City, Bangalore, as we visited it the 5th of September 2009. We will compare the trip with one to Wonderla.

We were a team of 15 people and travelled in a mini-bus. Travel was quite comfortable.
Cost of this visit to Innovative Film City: The package did cost Rs 900 per head which included Lunch and (so called) Hi-Tea (which was low by any standards). The package contained tickets for 15 attractions which we will review one by one in the following.
Route: Innovative Film City is 2 kilometers farther from Wonderla, while coming from Bangalore, on Bangalore Mysore- SH 17.
Concept: Please note that Innovative is not meant to be considered as an amusement park, its just a themed film city with some concept sets. The Film City is relatively new and many things are still under construction. It would not be fair compared with Wonderla (which is definitely an amusement park)
Parking facility: Good parking facility for two wheelers; but not for higher wheelers. Buses need to be parked on the roads. However, the management is working on a high-quality parking establishment.
Food: Outside food is not allowed in Innovative Film City ( There were 2 level of checks). But food won’t be a problem inside with lots of outlets and vatieries; Mc Donalds, Pizza Corner, Cafe Coffee Day, a food court with more than 20 options, covering all delicacies of India and most other parts of the world. So do not worry in food matters.
Necessities for the day-out:
a) Carry extra pair of synthetic clothes and polythene, if plan to go Aqua Kingdom (artificial beach).
b) Your own water bottle is a must. We only saw one water refilling tank, that too in the big food court. In rest all areas, you have to shell out Rs 30 for 1ltr water bottle. For cost-effectiveness, do carry your water bottle and re-fill it in the food court.
c) The park has poor locker facility, with few lockers only in Aqua kingdom. Luckily, we were first to come to park and were able to catch two lockers. So plan before you travel, on how you want to carry your luggage.
Attractions inside Innovative Film City:
In our package of Rs 900 we had following attractions.
a) Roller Skates: I named it first, since that was probably the best attraction of the park, I liked. It’s Rs 100, unlimited. Its actually skating on wooden floor. Good for learners. This was first skating experience for me and I fell so many hundreds of times, that I went out of count. Anyways, its good and highly recommended for people who want try something new, with fear of injuries. There are good chances of getting butt injuries.
b) Aqua Kingdom (Artificial Beach): Among all the attractions, this stand second in my ranking. Obviously, this is far from the thrill Wonderla’s Beach, but nice because of less population and good DJ music. We enjoyed it for over 2 hrs. There are changing rooms, lockers (limited), eating facility, beach volley ball facility, lots of family seating facility, and rest rooms facility. If I go for second time, may be I will straight head for this, after Rolling skaters.Price: Individual price Rs 100 I guess.
c) Velocity (Go Karting): Rs 100 for 4 rounds. This is quite on par with other Go Karting places in Bangalore. But I feel the track was small and safety is not upto the mark.
d) Roller Coaster: heart beat did not increase by 1 point even. It did increase by decimals; and by that time, the ride was over. So if you are expecting a thrill ride, you will surely be disappointed. Certainly worth a try for people with weak heart.
e) Mini Golf: Its good with varying levels of holes. In total, 18 holes are there.
f) Haunted Mansion: All I can say do not go by name. Not scary if you are not all alone. Moreover I have a problem, I have a strong heart, I know it.
g) Mirror Maze: It’s an attraction where you will be lost in reflections from thousands of mirrors, kept in a dark room and no one to guide how to come out (staff were there to guide, actually). Okay for an experiment.
h) Ripley’s Believe it or not Museum: Good if you have time to explore everything in it. Lot of new things to know. But if seen in details, it can eat up your whole day. All these information can be found on the internet, if searched for Ripley’s journey around the world. Recommended for Quiz lovers, and since I am not one, nor did I had time, its just OKAY for me.
i) Wild Wild West: Its a set, based on concept of a typical Mexican village; To be more specific on COW BOY Concept. There was a game, to try your hand on shooting (Beer bottles in Cow Boy style), but you can try in any Indian Melas. Good place to take few photographs, Quick Gun Murugan or Sholay Style.
j) 4D Show: It’s a 10 minutes 3D animated movie, which gives you a 4D feeling, 3D by picture and 4th by physical effect (water sprays, air and seat movements). Since I had seen much better ones than this, I did not like it. For first timers, it is definitely exciting. Grab first row seats for best experience.
k) Double Decker Carrousel: I donot know why Adults were allowed here. This is a circular horse ride, which we usually see in Kumbh melas of Hindi movies. Pure waste of Money as an adult.
l) Miniature City: PURE WASTE OF MONEY. Bad concept, so is bad realization of concept and so is bad maintainance.
m) Funplex: I felt, in fact, we all felt like being thugged. Half of machines are not working, half are erroneous and the rest(!) work for only a few minutes. No one to guide you. So my recommendation, avoid it. Children may press for it, but again its a waste of money. Well, lots of gaming machines are there, which work only when swiped with a card. Swipe card is obtained after payment and it works according to payments.
n) Madame Louis Tussaud’s Wax Museum: This was my third visit to such a wax museum and as usual I never liked it. But generally people like it and if you too will like it as a first timer. If you start posing with/photographing each celebrities’ statue, its gonna eat up your time.
Apart from the above ones, there are following few more attractions which we didn’t visit or were not part of our package:
1) Bungee Jumping: Its similar to one, that was there in Forum Mall of Koramangala for months.My suggestion avoid it; surely would be costly here.
2) Cricket Zone: Again it’s similar to the one that was there in Forum Mall of Koramangala and in many other malls. Price was Rs 60 for 4 overs. So if you are die hard friend, play it, otherwise avoid it.
3) Fossil Hunt: We did not go inside it, but here one has to dig sand and find out some bones (I am sure, it must be virtual ones). You can do much better and difficult search in any sea beach.
4) Cartoon City: No idea what’s in store.
5) Jurrassic Fossil Museum: Since we had been to two musuems earlier, we avoided this. Moreover, the subject is not of interest. So if you are interested in dinosaurs or want to give your child an insight on these extinct species, then it’s an OKOK place.
There are few more attractions, which I do not have an idea about. One can explore more, by clicking Innovative film city website:
Miscellaneous Items:
1) Lots of shopping outlets were available; like Bata, Loot Mart etc. But I am sure all must be costly, after buying 1 liter water bottle for Rs. 30.
2) Lots of mela-type games like Balloon Shooting, Bowling etc .
3) Entrance gates must be most photographed part of film city. So be sure you also capture one. Entrance is indeed off cut and inspired from Greek architecture ( I guess..I am no expert in this).
Comparisons with Wonderla:
First, it is wrong to compare the two, because both have way too different concepts. Wonderla is 100% amusement park, where as Innovative Film City is more on Film city and museum with only 1 or 2 items qualifying as a amusement ride. But still people tend to compare, because of proximity to each other and only options of entertainment parks for Bangloreans. Many get confused on which one to choose for corporate team outings. So let us compare:
a) Innovative has been designed only with Intelligence and not with Common sense, but Wonderla has been designed with both Intelligence and Common sense. And that is why I see completeness in Wonderla. In Innovatove film city, I felt very finer points, which directly affects customers, have been ignored. For example, locker facility, drinking water, maintainance, etc.
b) Aqua Kingdom of Wonderla is much better than that of Innovative, and both have similar concept; the reason being big waves generated in Wonderla.
c) Individual pricing of rides in Innovative film city is good and bad in itself. Good, it saves money for people, who really do not use everything. Bad, lot of time will be wasted in decision making whether to go for ride or not and one has to carry big cash or card everytime.
d) Unlimited rides available for all rides in Wonderla. This is a big plus over Innovative as per me.
e) Keeping tickets all the time is really painful in Innovative Film City, adding to the fact its so tiny and so need to be searched everytime.
f) Price wise and value for money, no doubt, Wonderla scores much better than Innovative.
g) Less crowd in Innovative is a plus point over Wonderla. But it can also be considered per the popularity of a place.
Final Verdict for a trip to Innovative Film City:
1) Go, if want fun with family and friends without much tiredness. It is less crowded than Wonderla.
2) Go, if it’s first time visit to a film city. It’s not bad as a starter. But if you have seen Ramoji film city, Hyderabad, you may get disappointed. I was not disappointed, since I had gone with least of expectations. That helps!
3) The place is costly, based on type of attractions and quality of maintainance. It’s not worth the price.
4) Score: 3/10. Again stressing it’s good, if visiting a film city for the first time.
Hi, Innovative film city is way too better than Wonderla for a family outing. I understand you have reviewed this w.r.t. the fun and play criteria. Innovative is catching up in that too.
I have some short clips of innovative film city captured during a corporate team outing and i want to share it here. Let me know. Thanks.
I advise you to visit Wonderla once. I have been to both these places and Innovative film city is not worth the comparison.
Did you read what the author wrote about comparing the two? Wonderla has different concept and innovative has different.
Do they have online booking? How did you book the packaged ticket? My team (6 persons) is planning for a trip there. Appreciate your quick response.
Thank you.
I am agree with thsi , i visited IFC for 2 times & wonder laa ~10 times… Wonder laa much much better then IFC…..
Innovative film city is Ok for one time visit. but i like to visit to wonderla as many times i get chance to.
hey this blog is great. I’m glad I came by this blog. Maybe I can contribute in the near future.[SPAM REMOVED]
Fantatsic site!
I appreciate the work that you have put in, in this page. Really good,
Thank You.
God, I feel like I sohuld be takin notes! Great work
IFC is no match for the much sprawling wonderla, probably that is the verdict here.
I appreciate the work that you have put in, in this page. Really good,
In case you visit Wonder La
Thanks 4 sharing suc wonderful firsthand experience. Looking forward to knowing more of bangalore destinations. Nice indeed. :)
I visited Wonderla this satuarday and i say you whoever goes there will not be dissapointed…
wonderla is really good!
I agree with you
hi Om prakash…
that was a wonderfull review.. i cud actually visionarize things..
Great Job Buddy!!!!!!!!!
Good Work Om ! ! !
I have had a trip to WonderLa, probably the coming weekend i might plan to IFC. Lets check out how the place is.
Thanks for all the informative stuff there.
Hi Mr.Om,
u have been reviewed IFC long back….
its 2011 any changes…..
pls update.
Grt effort to write such a detailed review.. the thing is if we can compile such reviews and keep them up in a good place all together then it can be of grt help to everyone. keep it up sir..
Hello om…
Plz update regarding changes made as per 2011 as
m planning to visit wid family…
And thanks also as i captured a lot of information
through ur blog…
Plz do reply…
1st experience has been so bad that i donot want to visit. Wud rather read latest review n decide to go or not.
Hopfully they have improved over these yrs.
Review: 10th March 2012.
Bad maintenance, only 2-3 restaurants were open excluding McDonalds,cafe coffee day.
I think they should close down the film city.
om prakash the othor good but u have all bad things in your mind so pls visit once doctor inovative filim city the name it self represents filim city but i dont know why u r comparing with wonderlaw i hope u have some problem pls vist doctor as soon as possible do not degrade any thing its adifferent theme. i hope u r only concerned about water bottle price if u r not able to bare the cost of water bottle then u could have parceled water from house next time onwards i strongly recommend u to carry water bottle frm u r house or carry a big drum of water so u can do all the things u can swim also good bye dont give your waste opinions to others goood byeee mr oooom prakash
LOL the above comment looks like been written by a doper :D
What’s wrong mr puru? You seem like badly hurt :D. Are you employee of Innovative Film City? Even then, this article tells good things too. You need to learn English in order to understand the whole article. Pity on you!
Thanks for your reply. May be stuation has improved over yrs. May be you write on latest IFC.
THanks Purusothaan for comments n feedback. What I have wrote is y personal opinion n now old as well. May be you can give latest feedback.
First of all, my congratulations to Mr Om Prakash for his interesting and detailed information on the Innovative Film City and its comparison with Wonder La. If a review is somewhat subjective, the author cannot be faulted. It is for the reader to evaluate it and act upon. It cannot be gainsaid that Mr Om Prakash has taken great pains to write this. I am thankful to him for it.
I find Mr Purushothaman’s comments to be in very bad taste. One can easily ignore them. If he liked the IFC, Mr Purushothaman is quite free to disagree with Mr Om Prakash.
Mr Om Prakash’s review is indeed a good guideline to a person who has not visited, but wishes to visit, the IFC. Mr Om Prakash has merely expressed his opinion. Others are not bound to accept it.
Mr.Purushothaman never ever write such comments, which gets hurted to a person.
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Both are an amazing place to visit you can have a different experience in both places..!!
I like Wonderla once I went there
I really enjoyed a lot with my friends..!!
I am planning to visit Wonderla next week..!!
Can you share your experience who it is..?
Last week I went to innovative city its was really amazing..!!
Both are nice place .
I have been to both places
Thanks for sharing this blog about wonder-la & flim city..!!
I think both are nice places to visit.
I Visited wonderla in last weekend….!!
Its wonderfull….!!
it seems like a wonderful place…!!
i want to visit..!!
Its very nice place..
want to visit once…!!
Wonderful place..!!
Both the places are awesome in their segment. But as i am an adventure lover person, I love the wonderla most.
i love wonderla…i want to visit here again and again..!!
Jai hind …!!
Wonderla is the best.
Go ahead to Snow world which will be nearby to the city.
Ya, it is innovative
wonder la is the best
Great movie
is it comparable with the hollywood movies?
Wonder La is definitely better than Innovative Film City.
Nice place.. i had great time with my colleagues
Wonder La. any day.
I appreciate the work that you have put in, in this page. Really good,
Awesome place
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