Bangalore Leopard Romours Fake News

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Bangalore Leopard Romours Fake News

Post by shreema »

Hello, this is to inform you of how the media websites are spreading fake rumours in order to attract viewers. After the leopard incident at Vibgyor school, there are intentionally spread hoaxes regarding more leopard sightings. While this may appear to be fun for the news sites, it's creates a lot of trouble in everyone's life. Schools in the area believed in the news and remained closed for a day. People are still wondering if they should trust the rumors or not.

it's very disgusting to see online news papers like Bangalore mirror using a fake photo and promoting the hoax.
Here's the photo and news in Bangalore Mirror today.

Now, here's where the photo has come from: An article published in 2009!

Notice how cleverly the image has been touched up to give a different look! Now trust all news reports at own risk!!

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