Watch Now You See Me Online Free 2013

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Watch Now You See Me Online Free 2013

Post by anki23 » : It’s one thing to watch a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat.It’s quite another to watch a movie of the same thing. Movies are themselves a kind of magic dependent on technological wizardry. That’s why when watching a film of a humble magic trick you feel no sense of wonder for the stunt has already been accomplished in a medium that’s all about illusion. So what you shrug. : “Now You See Me” is a so-what movie on a grand scale that tries to transcend this unbreachable barrier through the sheer size and the audacity of its prestidigitation. The movie directed by Louis Leterrier (“Clash of the Titans” “The Incredible Hulk”) from a screenplay by Ed Solomon Boaz Yakin and Edward Ricourt follows the adventures of a high-flying magicians’ supergroup. Calling themselves the Four Horsemen they strut to the stage like Olympic athletes prepared to execute feats worthy of science fiction which they pull off without missing a beat but with a lot of help from computer-generated effects. : Their leader J. Daniel Atlas is an arrogant fast-talking cardsharp and sleight-of-hand virtuoso. His motto: the closer you look the less you see. The equally devious Merritt McKinney a mentalist with a streak of cruelty specializes in hypnosis. Jack Wilder is a pickpocket and Henley Reeves is an escape artist who in her big number is chained and dropped into a tank filled with piranhas. : The screenplay primes us to expect a Robin Hood like heist fable in which the Four Horsemen steal money from big banks and rain it down on the struggling masses. In their initial stunt in Las Vegas a member of the audience is teleported to a Parisian bank vault whose cash is magically showered on the cheering Las Vegas audience in a matter of seconds.

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